English Alphabet

English Alphabet
you can read it here

Here, I would like to share what we have to do to keep our English. As we know, especially my generation - the generation born between 1960 to 1980 - had to study English when we were in Junior High School. Today, we see that the generation after 1990 are introduced to English when they are at Elementary school. Even some children are familiar with English at kindergarten. Kindergarten |ˈkindÉ™rËŒgärtn, -ËŒgärdn| is a school or class that prepares children for first grade. A child in kindergarten is typically 5 or 6 years old. It means they are lucky enough to know English when they are young. 

In this opportunity, I would like to share, I would like to jot down what I believe useful to share. Of course, I must up date what I am going to say here. I am going to start from the very basic one to do in studying English. It is designed for Indonesian students learning English from the basic and fundamental thing to know and to learn. I will say that core basic English is worth studying first before we talk about the other thing to do and to know or to know and to do. The following topic is important to know and to do when you are going to study English.

1.  English Alphabet and International Alphabet
2.  I am
3.  I do
4.  Am I?
5. Do I?
6. I am doing
7. I will do
8. I did
9. I have done

I. English Alphabet and International Alphabet

Why do we have to study English Alphabet and International Alphabet? If you know the English Alphabet, it will be easier for you to spell a certain word. We have to make a certain word clear for our partner in daily communication. You have to spell your name, because sometimes other people misspelled your name. I will give you an example concerning misspelled name of me. My full name is Majid Wajdi. In fact, based on my experience so far that my last name 'Wajdi' is sometimes misspelled into 'Wadji', especially in written form. Several years ago, my last name was written wrongly in my identity cart. My last name was wrongly spelled in my 'NIDN', Nomor Induk Dosen Nasional (National Registered of Lecturer Identity).  

Here is the English Alphabet.

A [ei], B [bi:], C [si:], D [di:], E [i:], F [ef], G [dji:], H [eitj], I [ai], J [djei], K [kei], L [el], M [em], N [en], O [o], P [pi:], Q [kju], R [a:], S [es], T [ti], U [yu], V [vi:], W [double ju], X [eks], Z [zi]

II. International Alphabet

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike or Mama, Nancy, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Zulu or Zebra. 

English Alphabet


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