Designing Listening Practice

Designing Listening Practice by Using “Stickies”

    App Store" (can be accessed by using our Mac computer or laptop) provides various kinds of application. These applications can be freely downloaded or we can find them for charged ones. It means we can download by buying it or them.
      One of the applications we are going to discuss and demonstrate is what popularly called “Stickies”. “Stickies” is a Mac computer or laptop application used to make a quick note or some notes. “Stickies” is usually used to make a note, but we are going to discuss and demonstrate is another use of “stickies” for our teaching and learning processes. By using “stickies”, we can design listening practice in teaching and learning processes in the classroom or outside the classroom.
The following statements refer to “Stickies” which I would like to discuss.
1) It can be used to make a note.
2) The note or text we are typing will atomically be corrected, especially misspelled words, by showing suggested words.
3) If the suggested words do not appear instantly, misspelled words will be underlined red. It means we have to edit it.
4) The note or text we typed by using "Stickies" can be played in order to read for us.

How The Text Read For Us

1). Click “Edit”, “Speak”, and "Start Speaking".
2) in order to let the software read the text for us one line or one number only: Block the sentence(s) you would like to hear; click “Edit”, and then click “speak” and "Start speaking". It will read it for us.

The text can be copied from another file.
  How to copy the text from the other file:
A) go to the file you are going to copy
B) find and open the file, click copy
C) go back to "Stickies"
D) click “edit” and "paste"
E) The text will appear on the "Stickies" and ready to use.

Male or Female voice?

To choose and change the voice from male or females voice.
1. Click “System Preferences” on your Mac computer or laptop.
2. Choose and click “Speech” in the system of your Mac computer or laptop.
3. Choose "Text to speech" of your Mac computer or laptop.
4. Click "System Voice" on your Mac computer or laptop.
5. Choose male or female voice

 There are three alternate male voices: Alex voice, Bruce voice, and Fred voice. For female voices, there are four different female voices: Agnes voice, Kathy voice, Vicky voice, and Victoria voice.

Recording Listening Practice

In order to facilitate non-mac computer users, we can record listening practice using the following application. The recorded material can be saved in flash disc or CD, so it can be played using a non-mac computer.

The following are applications that can be used to record:
(1) Video in Photo Booth of mac computer
Return to and click “Photo Booth”. Select video mode. This application (Photo Booth) is already installed in a mac computer.
(2) “Extra Voice Recorder LITE”
(3) “iScreen Recorder Lite”
(4) “Screen Capture Lite”
(5) The text can be also recorded using “audio text LITE - text pad and Voice Recorder”.

      “audio text LITE - Textpad and Voice Recorder” are an application we can access by using our mac computer or laptop. We can record practically utilizing this application on our mac computer or laptop. Beside it can be utilized to record, it can also be used to edit written text instantly, since it will appear suggested words we type wrongly.
BUT the drawback of “AudioText LITE - Textpad and Voice Recorder”:
It only records for 5 minute duration.
(6) Smart Recorder Lite = recording duration: 3 minutes

The remaining four applications need to be downloaded first before we use them.


Mike Whiskey mengatakan…
Frankly speaking I am new to web-blog. I have to thank my friend who had introduced me to web blog. He guided me how to make email using g-mail. I tried to write some articles. I am still learning how to upload, to edit, to do what I have to do... and sometimes I am still asking what I have to do next; sometimes I have to ask friend or to find some (tips and tricks to write blog) at Google. Google, today, is believed to be the most interesting place to visit, to find some information.... to make me sure what I have to do with my blog, I put my idea in I wrote some tips and tricks in Indonesian. Reading and writing become so important to measure my creativity to do and to write an article. In fact, it is not too easy for me to express my idea freely.
buana mengatakan…
Giving comment

What kind of comment you would like to write? Is it a short comment or middle or long comment? How many words should our comment consist of? We sometimes give only to or three words in our comment. When we have to give spoken comment, we tend to speak too long although the moderator reminds us in advance to give comment directly and to the point. On the other hand, when we have to make a written comment, we tend to be so economical to just give comment in one or two words. Let’s take a look at the comments on face-book. We think that it is logical for us to have a short comment in one or two words. I find some comments on website articles in only one sentence. It is not wrong, since there is not any instruction from the writer of the article to give a short or long comment. Do we think that the comment we write is a reflection of us? Do we think that someone will judge us based on what we say, what we write?
do you need to write a comment on my blog. visit and make a comment at or you may visit thank you for your visit and comment.
Anonim mengatakan…
fungsi tanda petik ("----")

saya akan membahas fungsi lain dari tanda petik "--" atau tanda kutip dalam dunia blog. tanda petik ternyata dapat digunakan untuk mengecek derajat ke-spesifik-an kata kunci (key word) pada artikel yang kita buat pada blog kita. dengan cara mengapit dengan tanda petik/tanda kutip pada kata kunci artikel di blog, maka kita dapat mengetahui ke-khususan kata kunci tersebut.
sebagai contoh, anda akan mencari artikel dengan kata kunci CARA, TIPS, TRIKS TEMBUS JURNAL.
cobalah ketik kata kunci tsb di Google dg cara memberikan tanda kutip/tanda petik pada awal dan akhir, seperti ini "cara, tips, triks tembus jurnal"
Anonim mengatakan…
fungsi tanda petik ("----")

saya akan membahas fungsi lain dari tanda petik "--" atau tanda kutip dalam dunia blog. tanda petik ternyata dapat digunakan untuk mengecek derajat ke-spesifik-an kata kunci (key word) pada artikel yang kita buat pada blog kita. dengan cara mengapit dengan tanda petik/tanda kutip pada kata kunci artikel di blog, maka kita dapat mengetahui ke-khususan kata kunci tersebut.
sebagai contoh, anda akan mencari artikel dengan kata kunci CARA, TIPS, TRIKS TEMBUS JURNAL.
cobalah ketik kata kunci tsb di Google dg cara memberikan tanda kutip/tanda petik pada awal dan akhir, seperti ini "cara, tips, triks tembus jurnal"

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